is a package
for performing basic EEG preprocessing and plotting of EEG data. Many of
these functions are wrappers around existing R functions to make them
behave in consistent ways and produce output that is more amenable to
many of the subsequent steps in EEG analysis.
The package implements custom objects to contain EEG data and
associated metadata. Some of its functions depend on data being stored
in this format, but part of the philosophy of the package is that any
object stored in the custom eeg_data
and associated formats
will always be convertible to a standard data.frame or tibble for
subsequent use in whatever way the user desires. Plotting functions will
typically work on both eeg_data
objects and standard
formats, while more complex processing functions will require an
or related custom object (such as
There is currently suport for loading raw data in the .BDF (typically
BioSemi), .CNT (32-bit; associated with Neuroscan), and .vhdr/.vmrk/.dat
Brain Vision Analyzer 2.0 file formats using the
command. Loading data in these formats results
in an eeg_data
object - a structure that contains the raw
data and a variety of metadata.
In this experiment, participants had to covertly attend to either the left or right visual field as indicated by a visual cue (an arrow pointing left or right). Around 1-1.5 seconds after the cue, a target - a Gabor patch - could appear in either the left or right visual field. The task was to determing whether the target patch showed a vertical or a horizontal grating. 80% of the time, the target appeared in the cued location.
You can find the file “Matt-task-spatcue.bdf” on Open Science Framework.
if (!file.exists("Matt-task-spatcue.bdf")) {
temp_dir <- tempdir()
temp_file <- file.path(temp_dir, "Matt-task-spatcue.bdf")
mode = "wb")
eeg_example <- import_raw(temp_file)
} else {
eeg_example <- import_raw("Matt-task-spatcue.bdf")
This data was recorded at 1024 Hz (downsampled here already to 256 Hz) using a BioSemi ActiveTwo amplifier and active electrodes. There were 64 electrodes positioned and named according to the 10-05 international system. A few additional electrodes (EXG1-EXG4) placed around the eyes to record eye movements, and two further reference electrodes placed on the left and right mastoids (EXG5 and EXG6). EXG7 and EXG8 are empty channels, with no electrodes attached.
A common first step would be to rereference the data, which can be
done using the eeg_reference()
command. By default, if no
electrodes are specified, the data will be referenced to a common
average, calculated from all the electrodes in the data. First we’ll
remove the two empty channels, EXG7 and EXG8, using the
Filtering can be performed using the eeg_filter()
command. This uses IIR or FIR filters to modify the frequency response
of the signal, removing low or high frequency fluctuations as requested.
For speed, we’ll use “iir” filtering here to perform bandpass filtering
with a high-pass filter at .1 Hz and a low-pass filter at 40 Hz. We’ll
also plot the power spectral density of the data before and after
filtering, using the plot_psd()
Data can be epoched around events/triggers using
, which outputs an eeg_epochs
object. A list of the event triggers found in the data can be retrieved
using list_events(eeg_example)
, or more comprehensively,
the events structure can be retrieved using
. In this case, we’ll epoch around
events 120
and 122
. These events correspond to
the onset of a visual target on the left and right of fixation
respectively, for validly cued trials only.
We can specify the length of epochs around the trigger using the
argument, and label each epoch using
. Here we also specify that the data should be
baseline corrected using the average of the timepoints from -.1s to 0s
(stimulus onset).
epoched_example <-
events = c(120,
epoch_labels = c("valid_left",
time_lim = c(-.1, .4),
baseline = c(-.1, 0)
After epoching, use the epochs()
function to check the
meta-information for this data and its epochs.
can then be plotted using
or plot_timecourse()
. Both
and plot_timecourse()
over epochs. plot_timecourse()
will also average over
electrodes - all electrodes if none are specified, or over any specified
electrodes. Baseline correction can also be applied for plotting only
using the baseline
parameter in the plotting call.
legend = FALSE)
time_lim = c(-.1, .3),
legend = FALSE)
electrode = "POz") # Plot POz
electrode = c("POz", "Oz", "O1", "O2")) # average over four occipital electrodes
Standard channel locations can be added using the
command. This function supplies
default locations for over 300 typical locations accroding to the 10-05
system. There are several specific montages provided that can be
specified using the montage
You can inspect the added locations using
can then be used to plot a topographical
representation of selected data. Note that it is not compulsory to use
locations from electrode_locations()
; if the data has x and
y columns when it is a data frame, or added to chan_info
element of the eeg_data
then those will be used.
epoched_example <- electrode_locations(epoched_example,
overwrite = TRUE)
time_lim = c(.22, .24))
At any point, eegUtils
objects can be transformed into
data frames for use with functions that don’t natively support them.
epoched_example %>%
select_epochs(epoch_no = 1:10) %>%
select_elecs(c("PO8", "Cz")) %>% = TRUE) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = time, y = amplitude)) +
geom_line(aes(group = epoch), alpha = 0.2) +
stat_summary(fun.y = mean,
geom = "line",
size = 2,
aes(colour = electrode)) +
facet_wrap(~electrode) +
In addition, there are overloaded versions of some dplyr
functions that operate on the signals
element of
and eeg_epochs
objects. For example,
can be used to choose particular electrodes, and
can be used to filter out epochs or timepoints.
can be used to add new columns (e.g. creating ROIs
from multiple electrodes).
epoched_example %>%
rm_baseline(time_lim = c(-.1, 0)) %>%
mutate(occipital = (O1 + O2 + Oz) / 3) %>%
select(Oz, Fz, occipital) %>%
filter(epoch <= 60, time < .3, time > -.1) %>% = TRUE) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = time, y = amplitude)) +
geom_line(aes(group = epoch), alpha = 0.2) +
stat_summary(fun = mean,
geom = "line",
size = 2,
aes(colour = electrode)) +
facet_wrap(~electrode) +
scale_colour_viridis_d() +