Package: eegUtils 0.8.0
eegUtils: Utilities for Electroencephalographic (EEG) Analysis
Electroencephalography data processing and visualization tools. Includes import functions for 'BioSemi' (.BDF), 'Neuroscan' (.CNT), 'Brain Vision Analyzer' (.VHDR), 'EEGLAB' (.set) and 'Fieldtrip' (.mat). Many preprocessing functions such as referencing, epoching, filtering, and ICA are available. There are a variety of visualizations possible, including timecourse and topographical plotting.
eegUtils/json (API)
# Install 'eegUtils' in R: |
install.packages('eegUtils', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
Pkgdown site:
- demo_epochs - A demo 'eeg_epochs' dataset
- demo_spatial - A demo 'eeg_epochs' dataset
Last updated 5 months agofrom:44c49d0381. Checks:1 ERROR, 10 OK. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | FAIL | Feb 20 2025 |
R-4.5-win-x86_64 | OK | Feb 20 2025 |
R-4.5-mac-x86_64 | OK | Feb 20 2025 |
R-4.5-mac-aarch64 | OK | Feb 20 2025 |
R-4.5-linux-x86_64 | OK | Feb 20 2025 |
R-4.4-win-x86_64 | OK | Feb 20 2025 |
R-4.4-mac-x86_64 | OK | Feb 20 2025 |
R-4.4-mac-aarch64 | OK | Feb 20 2025 |
R-4.3-win-x86_64 | OK | Feb 20 2025 |
R-4.3-mac-x86_64 | OK | Feb 20 2025 |
R-4.3-mac-aarch64 | OK | Feb 20 2025 |
A guide to eegUtils data structures
Rendered fromdata_structures.Rmd
on Feb 20 2025.Last update: 2021-07-06
Started: 2018-04-07
EEG Utils
Rendered fromeegUtils.Rmd
on Feb 20 2025.Last update: 2024-10-22
Started: 2018-05-16
Event and epoch handling
Rendered fromepoch-handling.Rmd
on Feb 20 2025.Last update: 2019-11-04
Started: 2019-03-03
Frequency analysis
Rendered fromtime-frequency-analysis.Rmd
on Feb 20 2025.Last update: 2022-02-07
Started: 2018-10-28
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
A package for processing electroencephalographic data | eegUtils-package eegUtils |
Recreate channel timecourses from ICA decompositions. | apply_ica apply_ica.eeg_epochs apply_ica.eeg_ICA |
Detect low autocorrelation of ICA components | ar_acf ar_acf.eeg_ICA |
Detect high channel focality of ICA components | ar_chanfoc |
Detect high component correlation with eye channels | ar_eogcor ar_eogcor.eeg_ICA |
Remove EOG using regression | ar_eogreg ar_eogreg.eeg_data ar_eogreg.eeg_epochs |
FASTER EEG artefact rejection | ar_FASTER ar_FASTER.eeg_epochs ar_FASTER.eeg_group eeg_FASTER |
Simple absolute value thresholding | ar_thresh ar_thresh.eeg_data ar_thresh.eeg_epochs |
Detect high trial focality of ICA components | ar_trialfoc |
Convert 'eeg_data' to 'data.frame' | |
Convert 'eeg_epochs' object to data.frame | |
Convert 'eeg_evoked' object to data frame | |
Convert 'eeg_ICA' object to data frame | |
Convert 'eeg_lm' to 'data.frame' | |
Convert 'eeg_stats' objects to data frames | |
Convert 'eeg_tfr' objects to a 'data.frame' | |
Browse EEG data | browse_data browse_data.eeg_data browse_data.eeg_epochs browse_data.eeg_ICA |
Retrieve signal/channel names | channel_names |
Channel statistics | channel_stats channel_stats.eeg_data |
Modify channel information | channels channels<- |
Convert to Current Source Density | compute_csd compute_csd.default compute_csd.eeg_data compute_csd.eeg_epochs |
Calculate inter-trial coherence | compute_itc |
Compute power spectral density | compute_psd compute_psd.eeg_data compute_psd.eeg_epochs compute_psd.eeg_evoked |
Compute Time-Frequency representation of EEG data | compute_tfr compute_tfr.default compute_tfr.eeg_epochs compute_tfr.eeg_evoked |
Calculate cycles | cycle_calc |
A demo 'eeg_epochs' dataset | demo_epochs |
A demo 'eeg_epochs' dataset | demo_spatial |
Calculate averages (e.g. event-related potentials) for single datasets | eeg_average eeg_average.default eeg_average.eeg_epochs eeg_average.eeg_evoked eeg_average.eeg_tfr |
Combine 'eegUtils' objects | eeg_combine eeg_combine.eeg_data eeg_combine.eeg_epochs eeg_combine.eeg_evoked eeg_combine.list |
Generalized eigenvalue decomposition based methods for EEG data | eeg_decompose eeg_decompose.eeg_epochs |
Downsampling EEG data | eeg_downsample eeg_downsample.eeg_data eeg_downsample.eeg_epochs |
Function to create an S3 object of class 'eeg_epochs'. | eeg_epochs |
Filter EEG data | eeg_filter eeg_filter.eeg_data eeg_filter.eeg_epochs eeg_filter.eeg_group |
Function to create an S3 object of class 'eeg_ICA'. | eeg_ICA |
Referencing | eeg_reference eeg_reference.default eeg_reference.eeg_data eeg_reference.eeg_epochs |
Calculate simple summary statistics for eeg_* objects | eeg_summarise eeg_summarise.eeg_epochs |
Get standard electrode locations | electrode_locations electrode_locations.eeg_data electrode_locations.eeg_epochs electrode_locations.eeg_tfr |
Create epochs from EEG data | epoch_data epoch_data.eeg_data |
Create epochs from EEG data | epoch_data.default |
Epoch statistics | epoch_stats epoch_stats.eeg_epochs |
Modify the epochs structure | epochs epochs<- |
Plot ERP images | erp_image erp_image.eeg_epochs erp_image.eeg_ICA erp_image.eeg_tfr |
ERP raster plot | erp_raster |
Plot event-related potentials using a scalp based layout | erp_scalp erp_scalp.default |
Modify events structure | events events<- events<-.eeg_data events<-.eeg_epochs |
Export continuous data in Brain Vision Analyzer format | export_bva export_bva.eeg_data |
Fit a linear model to EEG data | fit_glm fit_glm.eeg_epochs |
Create a topographical plot | geom_topo |
Query and set elements of the 'epochs' metadata structures | get_participant_id get_recording set_participant_id set_recording |
Calculate an interpolated scalpmap | get_scalpmap get_scalpmap.eeg_epochs |
Import channel locations from various file formats | import_chans |
Import from ERPLAB .erp files | import_erplab |
Import Fieldtrip files | import_ft |
Function for reading raw data. | import_raw |
Load 'EEGLAB' .set files | import_set |
Interactive scalp maps | interactive_scalp interactive_scalp.eeg_epochs |
Channel interpolation | interp_elecs interp_elecs.eeg_data |
Check if object is of class 'eeg_epochs'. | is.eeg_epochs |
Check if object is of class 'eeg_evoked' | is.eeg_evoked |
Check if object is of class 'eeg_group' | is.eeg_group |
Check if object is of class 'eeg_ICA' | is.eeg_ICA |
Check if object is of class 'eeg_stats' | is.eeg_stats |
Check if object is of class 'eeg_tfr' | is.eeg_tfr |
List epochs | list_epochs list_epochs.eeg_epochs list_epochs.eeg_ICA |
List events | list_events |
Create a butterfly plot from timecourse data | plot_butterfly plot_butterfly.default plot_butterfly.eeg_data plot_butterfly.eeg_epochs plot_butterfly.eeg_evoked plot_butterfly.eeg_lm plot_butterfly.eeg_stats |
Plot ERP difference waves | plot_difference plot_difference.eeg_epochs |
Plot electrode locations | plot_electrodes plot_electrodes.default plot_electrodes.eeg_data plot_electrodes.eeg_evoked plot_electrodes.eeg_tfr |
Plot Global Field Power of EEG Signals | plot_gfp |
Plot Power Spectral Density | plot_psd plot_psd.eeg_data plot_psd.eeg_epochs plot_psd.eeg_evoked plot_psd.eeg_group plot_psd.eeg_ICA |
Time-frequency plot | plot_tfr |
Plot one-dimensional timecourse data. | plot_timecourse plot_timecourse.eeg_epochs plot_timecourse.eeg_evoked plot_timecourse.eeg_group plot_timecourse.eeg_ICA plot_timecourse.eeg_tfr |
Print 'eeg_data' summary | print.eeg_data |
Print 'eeg_epochs' summary | print.eeg_epochs |
Print 'eeg_evoked' summary | print.eeg_evoked |
Print 'eeg_group' summary | print.eeg_group |
Print 'eeg_epochs' summary | print.eeg_ICA |
Print 'eeg_lm' summary | print.eeg_lm |
Print 'eeg_stats' summary | print.eeg_stats |
Print 'eeg_tfr' summary | print.eeg_tfr |
Print 'tfr_average' summary | print.tfr_average |
Baseline correction | rm_baseline rm_baseline.eeg_data rm_baseline.eeg_epochs rm_baseline.eeg_evoked rm_baseline.eeg_tfr |
Rotate channel locations | rotate_angle |
Independent Component Analysis for EEG data | run_ICA run_ICA.eeg_epochs |
Select electrodes from a given dataset | select_elecs select_elecs.default select_elecs.eeg_data select_elecs.eeg_evoked select_elecs.eeg_ICA select_elecs.eeg_tfr |
Select epochs | select_epochs select_epochs.default select_epochs.eeg_epochs select_epochs.eeg_ICA select_epochs.eeg_tfr |
Select frequencies | select_freqs select_freqs.eeg_tfr |
Select timerange | select_times select_times.default select_times.eeg_data select_times.eeg_epochs select_times.eeg_evoked select_times.eeg_tfr |
Create an interpolated scalp surface | stat_scalpcontours |
Create an interpolated scalp surface | geom_channels geom_ears geom_head geom_mask stat_scalpmap |
Tag epochs with labels | tag_epochs tag_epochs.default tag_epochs.eeg_epochs |
Tag events | tag_events tag_events.eeg_data tag_events.eeg_epochs |
Topographical Plotting Function for EEG | topoplot topoplot.default topoplot.eeg_data topoplot.eeg_epochs topoplot.eeg_ICA topoplot.eeg_tfr |
Artefact browser | view_artefacts |
EEG decomposition viewer | view_ica |